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WDF-494 Extension of Diabetic Retinopathy Care in Bangladesh

A. Goals of the Project :

  • Provide early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy at the district level.
  • Prevent avoidable blindness from Diabetic Retinopathy throughout the country.


B. Duration of the Project: 2011 to 2017

C. Objective:

  • 1. To create a programme to improve both diagnosis and treatment for diabetic retinopathy in remote and underdeveloped areas
  • To reduce the overall cost of treatment by providing diagnosis and treatment at the nearest centre of the patient's residence.


BADAS with the help of ORBIS international established two facilities in Thakurgaon and Bogra to treat DR up to medical retina. There is also scarcity of trained Ophthalmologist in Bangladesh to treat DR. With this unavoidable challenge and reality, BADAS with the help of World Diabetic Foundation (WDF) initiated a project to extend DR Care throughout the country based on the strong Affiliated Association Network. A DR screening team and their skills have been developed under this project.

This concept of giving diabetic retinopathy care at the district level is for the first time in Bangladesh. This project will help to increase access to quality diabetes care and prevention of retinopathy blindness among the rural population. This will also make diabetes care cost-effective to this population. Regular visit of the desired mobile van and accompanying Ophthalmologist will facilitate early diagnosis and treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy at the fixed Affiliated Associations throughout the country. Therefore, the rate of blindness from Diabetic Retinopathy will decrease significantly in the country.

BADAS now serves about 25% of the diabetes population through its 80 health care facilities and Affiliated Associations all over the country. Increasing prevalence of DM and IGT prevail all over Bangladesh including the rural population. Except Dhaka and Chittagong, there are no tertiary facilities in Bangladesh to preventing blindness due to diabetic retinopathy.